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发布时间:2021-04-26 20:30:42


The largest sea: Coral (over 4.79 million square kilometers) Second Arabian Sea and the South China Sea △ minimal: the Sea of Marmara, followed by the Azov Sea and the Bohai Sea △ highest salinity: the Red Sea, is the youngest ...

2、手抄报~英文的~要资料!!!主题HAPPY SCHOOLLIFE

我是常外初二的啊 我也在找啊

3、Healthy food手抄报模板(有内容,英文)

Everyone has his favorite food.I think eating healthy food is important for you .

someone likes fast food. I think it`s bad for you.You should eat a lot of vegetable ,and drink some milk.It`s good fou you health.

someone is a vegetarian.they eat vegetable and fruit every day, they think it`s good for health, but I think it`s also fine to eat some meat or fish .

People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,shouldn`t they?I prefer to only eat healthy food,and I think I`m a vegetarian.

There are all kinds of foods in the world. Which one is healthier, the Chinese food or the western food? Different people have different choices.

Some people like the Chinese food. Firstly, the Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat. Secondly, the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes. It is nice to taste healthiest in the world. So Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.




4、happy new year手抄报(中英文都要)

Happy New Year手抄报内容大全

【Happy New Year





What does the holiday mean?




The term "pass year" is used for the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year). The word "Year" in Chinese characters used to mean a horrible beast. To combat the beast, the Chinese hang "good luck" wishes on red paper on the door and use fireworks in the belief that the beast fears red and fire. This tradition in many ways resemblethe Western belief of using garlic and crosses to fight vampires.







Why New Year is so special?


The Chinese zodiac features 12 animals in the sequence of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. This year is the year of Tiger. Each animal represents a different "personality". According to legend, people held a conference with all the animals, informing them that they would pick the 12 to represent the zodiac. However, in spite of being fast, the cat was not picked as its then-close friend, the rat, did not wake it. This action sparked off a rivalrythat continues till this day.





Happy New Year


What do people do?


Eat, eat again, and then eat some more! As the old Chinese saying goes: food is everything.


The tradition is to have different main courses everyday from the 1st day of the New Year to the 15th day of the New Year, from Jiao Zi (mplings), noodles, spring rolls, sticky rice cakes, and Tang Yuan (stuffed rice balls). Besides culinarysatisfaction, each food has a meaning as well: for instance, Jiao Zi looks like gold, implying a wealthy year ahead.





Besides eating, young people visit older family members and kids are blessed with a

red pack of "lucky" money. And then, people gather and eat again (!), leading to a lot of

advertisements about fitness right after the Chinese New Year holiday.



Happy Chinese New year!!!


【Happy New Year手抄报内容:新年歌曲Home】

Another summer day Has come and gone away In Paris or Rome... 那一个巴黎和罗马的

夏天, 来了又去。

But I wanna go home ...uhm Home 而我只想回家, 哦……我的家。

一 做好预习。预习是学好各科的第一个环节,所以预习应做到:初读教材,找出这节



May be surrounded by A million people许有许多人会陪伴着我

I Still feel all alone 但我还是觉得孤独。


Just wanna go home Oh I miss you, you know 也 因为我只想回到我的家。 你知道吗,我好想念你。

And I've been keeping all the letters That I wrote to you 所有写给你的信我都留着,

Each one a line or two留着每封信的那一句又一句:

I'm fine baby, how are you “亲爱的我很好,你呢?”

I would send them 我要把这些甜言蜜语都送给你

but I know that It's just not enough 但我知道这远远不够。

My words were cold and flat 我的语言是多么的冰冷而无力。

And you deserve more than that而你,却应该得到比这更多的关怀。

Another aeroplane another sunny place又一架飞机起飞了, 朝着那幸福的方向。

Happy New Year手抄报图片

I'm lucky I know 我知道我是幸运的,

But I wanna go home I got to go home Let me go home 但我还是要回家, 回到我的家。



Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat everday.And we had better drink a glass of milk in the morning or at night. Besides, we should focus on abalanced diet, which assures us the necessary nutritions. Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them. It is said that most of students do not eat anything at all in the morning. It is very bad for our health. Breakfast is the most important meal for people.

6、手抄报 英文版



Look of the Games

Look of the Games relates to the implementation of an integrated identification, decorations and way finding signage programme for all Games locations and venues. Its activities mainly involve design, project management, proction and installation. The difference between Image and Look of the Games must be noted. Image is responsible for all design, image and artistic issues determining the overall design vision. Look of the Games manages one visual expression of this design vision, planning and procing all the materials for the Games time look. The Look of Games includes graphics that may be applied to banners, towers, etc. in order to provide uniform design and imagery to Olympic venues and public space within the Host City. The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Look of the Games aspects

体育设施标准管理办公室 Sports Facilities Standard Authority
市民奥运英语100句 :http://.baidu.com/question/36563600.html?fr=qrl3


2008北京奥运会:the BEIJING 2008 Olympic Games - Games of the XXIX Olympiad


The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894.国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。

The Olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games.奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。

The official languages of the IOC are French and English.国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。

The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games.奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。

The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years.奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。

The Olympic Games shall be proclaimed open by the Head of State of the host country.奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。

The delegation parade in alphabetical order according to the language of the host country, except for Greece, which leads the parade, and for the host country which brings up the rear.代表团按东道国语言文字的字母顺序入场。希腊和东道国例外,希腊代表团第一个入场,东道国代表团最后一个入场。


a piece of cake 小菜一碟
hot potato 烫手的山芋
put all eggs in one basket 把所以鸡蛋放在一篮子里,比喻风险很大
bread and butter 面包和黄油, 比喻谋生的手段
the apple of one's eyes 比喻某人最喜欢的。
The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人。
Eat to live,but do not live to eat.为生活而饮食,莫过于为饮食而生活。
We rean what we sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
Charity is like moiasses,sweet and cheap.慈善好像糖水,又甜又便宜。
The yotten apple in jured its neighboors.一粒老鼠屎,弄坏一锅粥。

meat 肉 :
beef 牛肉
veal 小牛肉
lamb 羊肉
sirloin 牛脊肉
steak 牛排
chop 连骨肉,排骨
cutlet 肉条
stew 炖肉
roast 烤肉
pork 猪肉
ham 火腿
bacon 咸肉
sausage 香肠
black pudding, blood sausage 血肠

cold meats 冷盘 (美作:cold cuts)
chicken 鸡
turkey 火鸡
ck 鸭
fish 鱼
vegetables 蔬菜
dried legumes 干菜
chips 炸薯条,炸土豆片 (美作:French fries)
mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥
pasta 面条
noodles 面条,挂面
macaroni 通心粉
consomme 肉煮的清汤
broth 肉汤
milk 奶
cheese 奶酪
butter 奶油
bread 面包
slice of bread 面包片
crust 面包皮
crumb 面包心

egg 蛋
boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs 水煮蛋
hard-boiled eggs 煮硬了的蛋
fried eggs 煎蛋
poached eggs 荷包蛋
scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋,摊鸡蛋
omelet 煎蛋卷

pastry 糕点
sponge cake 奶油鸡蛋,蜂糕
tart 果焰糕点
biscuits (英)饼干,(美)小面包
fruit 水果
ice cream 冰淇淋
compote 蜜饯
jam, preserves 果酱
marmalade 桔子酱

spices 调料
salt 盐
vinegar 醋
sauce 酱油
oil 油
salad oil 色拉油
pepper 辣椒
mustard 芥末

