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发布时间:2021-07-06 11:31:02


Poverty and war on the environment great harm

In the past 200 years, human society has accumulated vast material wealth, poverty at the same time also increase. Historically, both the Enclosure Movement in the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal's colonial overseas or in North America on the Indian mainland to speed up the net altogether, the development of capitalism in each stage accompanied by cruel plunder. Of the world's two world wars and hundreds of large and small wars. And for almost all land, resources and markets. In addition, developed countries also to the so-called civilized form of courtesy and to win most of the world's consumption of natural resources, in fact, rece or even taken away the economic development of poor countries. As a result, the development of capitalism not only bring home the confrontation between rich and poor, but rich and poor countries caused by the opposition. Today, the world's poverty is still very serious, the number of poor continues to grow: in 1985 to 10 million in 1990 to increase to 1.1 billion, about the world's total population of 1 / 5.
Poverty is in many parts of the excessive use of resources and environmental pollution, the main reason. For those who barely eke out an existence of abject poverty, the overriding need to survive. To maintain their daily life has been hard-pressed to live, there is no spare capacity to take into tomorrow, let alone improve the environment, in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, as well as some parts of Asia, forcing poor farmers on land overload The operation, resulting in soil degradation and salinization; in the tropics, deforestation, land reclamation of a very serious problem, caused by soil erosion, land quickly lost proctivity. Poverty and resource depletion, environmental degradation as both cause and effect, and the formation of a vicious circle.
Environmental damage and pollution is the same, the total amount of pollutant emission of developed countries, but on the whole is under control and began to decline in many parts of the work environment is in effect. On the other hand, developing countries, environmental damage and pollution is getting worse. Due to poverty, they can not refuse low-cost proction of high pollution, the temptation will be even more reluctant to limited resources for pollution control. For those countries, the current economic growth is the number one goal, one also can not attend to consider the future price. Pollution and environmental damage is the cross-border, the people of other countries were forced to share the costs and consequences. For example. Mexico in the north instrial area a large number of fossil fuel consumption, as the wind direction of the reasons the United States by victims of acid rain; the United States in the Northeast Instrial acid rain also brought to Canada. To resolve cross-border issues such very difficult and the results often depend on the balance of power among nations, so they do not have justice.
In many developing countries, it seems that today's environmental problems are made most of the affected countries to act in the past. Accumulation in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and harmful substances such as HCFCs is the case, the world's forest area and rece soil degradation as well. As a result, the pollution and environmental issues, developed countries should shoulder greater responsibilities, including developing countries to provide technical and financial assistance so that they have the ability to maintain the country's economic growth at the same time improve the environment. If developing countries requires developed countries to adopt environmental standards and to absorb the cost of all, is tantamount to depriving them of the opportunity to develop it is not fair.
International and domestic social and political conflict in the extreme form of war. In the history of the various direct cause of many wars: ethnic, religious, ideological, and so on and so on; However, in the final analysis, the economic interests of the conflict is the most fundamental reason. In order to compete for resources and people for war, but war and large-scale consumption of scarce resources, use of resources proced by the destruction of wealth, destruction of people's living environment until the eradication of human life.
In this century mankind has experienced two world wars. The number of people killed in the First World War, more than 8,000,000, and wounded up to 22,000,000 of which 7,000,000 were maimed for life. Property losses of about 260,000,000,000 U.S. dollars. World War II, the larger, more heavy losses. According to incomplete statistics, countries of the world total of about 100,000,000 human casualties, property damage more than 40,000 million.
In the early 1991's outbreak of the war in the oceans, damage is the largest oil field. At that time, there are 1 080 Kuwait oil wells, about 950 were damaged ring the war, in which I was more than 600 fire, burning every day about 600 million barrels of oil valued at 120,000,000 U.S. dollars. The oil fires caused by human history's worst environmental pollution. Blot out the Sun ring the day and dark smoke, noon and three-meter visibility, however, the raging flames at night Ying-Che days, mushroom-like smoke clouds directly. Burning oil wells in the atmosphere to the monthly release of 675,000 tons of soot inside full of carbon black particles, sulfur dioxide, nitric acid, the cancer-causing hydrocarbons and the highly toxic dioxin compounds. People inhalation after chest tightness, dyspnea, heart disease and respiratory diseases increased dramatically. Some of the toxic substances will graally enter the food chain, resulting in the next few decades, cancer patients and abnormal surge in the number of people. Sulfuric acid and nitric acid to proce acid rain and damage around the desert country's most valuable agricultural land and vegetation. The flow of the Gulf of tens of millions of barrels of oil at sea to form a large area of the film, only an oil-covered seabirds can not afford desperately struggling e to their inability to take off to die in the sea. Film and thick smoke covered the sun, plankton and thus lost the life of the city as a whole is facing the sea off the danger of biological chain. Near the Persian Gulf is a closed environment, the water flow is very slow, about 200 years to completely replace all the water. Therefore, the ecosystem in the region and the resumption of the fishery will be very difficult. Not only that, in the Gulf of disaster may also affect the Asian monsoon, India and Southeast Asia led to reced rainfall and causing drought.


贫困是许多地区资源利用过度和环境污染的主要原因。对那些勉强度日的赤贫者来说,生存的需要压倒一切。他们维持每日的生活已经捉襟见肘,根本没有余力去考虑明天,更谈不上改善环境了,在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲、中东和北非以及亚洲 的某些地区,贫困迫使农民对土地进行超负荷的经营,从而造成土壤的退化和盐碱化;而在热带地区,毁林开荒的现象十分严重,由此造成水土流失,很快就使土地的生产力丧失殆尽。贫困和资源耗竭、环境恶化互为因果,形成了又一个恶性循环。
本世纪人类已经经历了两次世界大战。第一次世界大战丧生的人数超过800万,受伤者高达2200万其中700万人终身残废。财产损失大约 2600亿美元。第二次世界大战的规模更大,损失也更惨重。据不完全统计,世界各国总伤亡人类约1亿,财产损失4万多亿美元。
在1991年初爆发的海洋战争中,破坏最大的是油田。科威特当时有1 080口油井,大约有950口在战争中遭到破坏,其中600多口被点燃,每天烧掉大约600万桶石油,价值1.2亿美元。这场石油火灾造成了人类历史最惨重的环境污染。白天浓烟滚滚黑云蔽日,中午时分能见度不过三米,入夜烈火熊熊映天彻地,蘑菇状烟直达云霄。燃烧的油井每月向大气层释放67.5万吨烟灰,里面饱含炭黑微粒、二氧化硫、硝酸、致癌的烃和剧毒的二恶英混合物。人们吸入后感到胸闷、气急、心脏病和呼吸系统疾病急剧增加。一些有毒物质将逐渐进入食物链,导致今后几十年里癌症病人和各种畸形人数量激增。硫酸和硝酸将产生酸雨,破坏周围沙漠国家极其宝贵的植被和农田。流向波斯湾的数千万桶原油在海上形成了大面积的油膜,一只只沾满油污的海鸟绝望地挣扎不起,因无力起飞而死在海中。浓烟和油膜遮住了阳光,浮游生物因而失去了生命之源,整个海中生物链面临断绝的危险。波斯湾是一个近乎封闭的生态环境,海水流动十分缓慢,大约要200年时间全部海水才能完全更换。因此该地区生态系统和渔业生产的恢复将是非常困难的。不仅如此,海湾的灾难还可能影响亚洲季风,导致印度和东南亚地区雨量减少并造成干旱。


1、 中文名称:酸雨英文名称:acid rain 定义1:pH值小于5.6的雨雪或其他方式形成的大气降水(雾、霜)。广义指酸性物质的干、湿沉降。 所属学科: 地理学(一级学科) ;环境地理学(二级学科) 定义2:pH值小于5.6的降水。包括雨、雪在内,其酸性成分主要是硫酸,也有硝酸和盐酸等。酸雨主要由化石燃料燃烧产生的二氧化硫、氮氧化物等酸性气体,经过复杂的大气化学反应,被雨水吸收溶解而成。 所属学科: 电力(一级学科) ;通论(二级学科) 定义3:硫、氮等氧化物所引起的雨、雪和冰雹等大气降水酸化以及pH小于5.6的大气降水。 所属学科: 生态学(一级学科) ;污染生态学(二级学科) 2、我国三大酸雨区我国酸雨主要是硫酸型,我国三大酸雨区分别为: 酸雨区分布图(1)、西南酸雨区:是仅次于华中酸雨区的降水污染严重区域。 (2)、华中酸雨区:目前它已成为全国酸雨污染范围最大,中心强度最高的酸雨污染区。 (3)、华东沿海酸雨区:它的污染强度低于华中、西南酸雨区。3、酸雨的危害


沙色四眼:沙色为主。适宜配:A兵,MK2,MK1s(2018 Q2)


敌意, 恶意, 不友善, 敌对, 对抗, 反对

【复数】 hos.til.i.ties
The state of being hostile; antagonism or enmity.See Synonyms at enmity
敌对状态;敌对或敌意参见 enmity
A hostile act.
hostilities Acts of war; overt warfare.
hostilities 战争行为;公开战争

作战, 打仗

A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties.
The period of such conflict.
The techniques and proceres of war; military science.
A condition of active antagonism or contention:
a war of words; a price war.
A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious:
the war against acid rain.
warred, war.ring, wars
To wage or carry on warfare.
To be in a state of hostility or rivalry; contend.


Topic 1 Ourcountry has developed rapidly.
话题1 我们的国家飞速发展。
proper ['prɔpə]['prɑpɚ]adj.恰当的,合适的;真正的
by theway 顺便说
bell n.钟(铃)声;铃,钟;钟状物
chairwoman['tʃɛəwumən] n.女主席,女会长;女议长
grandson['grændsʌn] n.(外)孙子
disabled[dis'eibld] adj.残疾的,残废的
shut [ʃʌt] v.关上,封闭;禁闭;合拢
rope [rəup] n.绳子,绳索
teenager ['ti:neidʒə] n.(13~19岁的)青少年,十几岁的少年
granny['græni] n.祖母,外婆;老奶奶
describe[di'skraib] v.描写,叙述
in detail['di:teil] 详细地
ecation[,edjukeiʃn] n.教育;培养
childhood['tʃaild,hud] n.童年,幼年时代
support[sə'pɔ:t] v.&n.供养,抚养;支持,赞助
laborer['leibərə] n.(尤指户外的)体力劳动者,
develop[di'veləp] v.(使)发展;(使)发达;开发
rapidly['ræpidli] adv.快地,迅速地
luckily['lʌkili] adv.幸运的
development[di'veləpmənt] n.发展;发达;开发
narrow['nærəu] adj.狭窄的
communication[kə,mju:ni'keiʃən] n.交流;交往;通讯
quick[kwik] adj.快的;敏捷的;急剧的;
leisure['li:ʒə] n.空闲,闲暇,业余时间
keep intouch with跟……保持联系
relative['relətiv] n.亲属,亲戚
faraway 遥远的
mainly['meinli] adv.主要地,总体上,大致
telegram['teligræm] n.电报;电文
reformand opening-up 改革开放
sort [sɔ:t] n.种类,类别;
fax[fæks] n.传真;传真机
rapid['ræpid] adj.快的,迅速的
progress['prəugres] n.进步;进展;
already [ɔ:l'redi] adv.已经
succeed[sək'si:d] v.成功
organization[,ɔ:gənai'zeiʃən] n.组织,机构
war [wɔ:] n.战争
tug ofwar n.拔河
note [nəut] n.便条;笔记;注释;钞票,纸币;v.记下,记录;注意,留意
composition[,kɔmpə'ziʃən] n.作文;作曲
consider[kən'sidə] v.考虑
drawup 拟定,起草
tool[tu:l] n.工具,器具
thanksto 幸亏,由于
Unit 1 第1单元
Topic 2 China has thelargest poipulation.
话题2 中国拥有最庞大的人口。
yet [jet] adv.尚,还,仍热
probably['prɔbəbli] adv.很可能,大概
callup 打电话,号召
European[,juərə'pi:ən] adj.欧洲的
population[,pɔpju'leiʃən] n.人口,人数
recent['ri:snt] adj.近来的,最近的
becauseof 因为,由于
policy['pɔlisi] n.政策,方针
neither adv.也不
billion['biljən] num.十亿
increase[in'kri:s] v.(使)增加,(使)增大
difficulty['difikəlti] n.困难,费力
be shortof 短缺
sofar 到目前为止
measure['meʒə] n.措施,方法
takemeasures to do sth.采取措施做某事
newborn['nju:,bɔ:n] adj.新生的,初生的
percent[pə'sent] n.百分之……
unless [ən'les] conj.如果不……,除非……
couple['kʌpl] n.一对;夫妇
a coupleof 一些,几个
market['mɑ:kit] n.市场;集市
transportation[,trænspə'teiʃən] n.运输,运送
excellent['eksələnt] adj.极好的,优秀的
keep upwith 赶上,跟上
relation[ri'leiʃən] n.关系;亲属
belongto 属于
Unit 1 第1单元
Topic 3 Theworld has changed for the better.
话题3 中国变得越来越好。
as amatter offact事实上,其实
flood [flʌd] n.洪水;v.(被)淹没;(使)泛滥
discover[dis'kʌvə] v.发现
direct[di'rekt] adj.直接的;直达的;
possible['pɔsəbl] adj.可能的
fair [fɛə] adj.公平的,合理的;(肤色)白皙的
invention[in'venʃən] n.发明,创造
excite[ik'sait] adj.使兴奋,使激动
inneed 在困难时,在贫困之中
medical['medikəl] adj.医学的;医疗的
treatment['tri:tmənt] n.疗法;治疗
provide[prə'vaid] v.提供
conversation[,kɔnvə'seiʃən] n.谈话,交谈
secretary['sekrətri] n.秘书;书记
engineer[,endʒi'niə] n.工程师;技师
fisherman['fiʃəmən] n.渔民;钓鱼健身者
dead[ded] adj.死的,无生命的
army ['ɑ:mi] n.军队
wound[waund] n.创伤,伤口;
granddaughter['græn,dɔ:tə] n.孙女,外孙女
grandchild['grændtʃaild] n.(外)孙或孙女,孙辈
ache[eik] n.& v. 痛,疼痛
fire [faiə] n.火;火炉
stairs n.楼梯
downstairs[,daun'stɛəz] adv.在楼下,到楼下;
board [bɔ:d] n.木板;布告牌;委员会;
skill['skil] n.技能,技巧
drug [drʌg] n.毒品;药,药物
steal[sti:l] v.偷,窃取
disobey[,disə'bei] v.不服从
purpose['pə:pəs] n.目的,意图
mention['menʃən] v.提到,说起;
social['səuʃəl] adj.社会的
aim [eim] v.力求达到,力争做到;目的是,旨在;n.目标
abroad [ə'brɔ:d] adv.到(在)国外
at homeand abroad 国内外
payfor 付款
Topic1 Pollutionis harmful to people's health.
话题1 污染有害人们的身体健康。
bee [bi:] n.蜜蜂
mygoodness 天哪;啊呀
chemical['kemikəl] adj.化学的;
waste[weist] adj.废弃的,丢弃的,无用的;
stream[stri:m] n.小溪
soil [sɔil] n.土壤,土地
breathe[bri:ð] v.呼吸
harmful['hɑ:mfəl] adj.有害的
be harmful to...(尤指对健康或环境)有害的,导致损害的
influence['influəns] v.&n.影响
weak[wi:k] adj.弱的;差的;淡的
proce[prə'dju:s] n.生产;出产;制造
gas [gæs] n.气体;煤气
chest [tʃest] n.胸部;箱子,盒子
anyway['eni,wei] adv.不管怎样
following ['fɔləuiŋ] adj。下述的,下列的;(时间上)接着的
coal [kəul] n.煤
electricity[,ilek'trisiti] n.电;电流
partner['pɑ:tnə] n.搭档,合作者
deaf[def] adj.聋的
print[print] v.印刷
hearingloss 听力丧失
disturb[dis'tə:b] v.打扰;扰乱
harm [hɑ:m] n.&v.危害;伤害;损害
including prep.包括……在内
title['taitl] n.标题,题目
rubbish['rʌbiʃ] n.垃圾;废物
sawmill['sɔ:mil] n.(把木材锯成木板的)锯木厂
nearby['niə] adj.附近的
effect[i'fekt] n.效果;作用
create[kri'eit] v.造成;创造
instry['indəstri] n.产业,工业
destroy[dis'trɔi] v.破坏,毁坏
blood [blʌd] n.血,血液
pressure['preʃə] n.压力;压迫;压强
Unit2 第2单元
Topic 2 Allthese problems are very serious.
话题2 所有这些问题都很严重。
as aresult (作为)结果;由于
rude[ru:d] adj.无理的,粗鲁的
behavior[bi'heivjə] n.行为,举止
in thebeginning 一开始;初期
day byday 一天天;逐日
dieout 消失,灭亡
importance[im'pɔ:təns] n.重要性
sand[sænd] n.沙,沙子
sandstorm['sændstɔ:m] n.沙尘暴
cutdown 砍倒
changeinto 转换成,把……变成
desert['dezət] n.沙漠
desert v.舍弃,遗弃
prevent[pri'vent] v.防止,预防
prevent...from 妨碍,防止,预防
humanbeing 人
although[ɔ:l'ðəu] conj.虽然,尽管
law [lɔ:] n.法律,法令;定律
turn off 关掉(水、电、电视、收音机等)
tap n.(自来水,煤气等的)龙头
on earth 在地球上;究竟,到底
ozonelayer 臭氧层
carbondioxide 二氧化碳
period['piəriəd] n.时期,时代
millionsof 无数的,大量的,数以百万计的
take away拿走
pollute[pə'lu:t] v.污染
oxygen ['ɔksidʒən] n.氧气
radiation[,reidi'eiʃən] n.放射,放射物
blanket['blæŋkit] n.毛毯,毯子
escape[is'keip] n.&v.逃跑;逃脱
rise[raiz] v.上升,上涨
thegreenhouse effect温室效应
level['levl] n.水平线,水平
Mars [mɑ:z] n.火星
refer to 提到,涉及,有关
takeup 占去,占据(时间、空间等)
garbage['gɑ:bidʒ] n.垃圾
recycle[ri:'saikl] v.回收;再循环
Unit2 第2单元
Topic 3 Wouldyou like to be a greener person?
话题3 你想成为一位环保人士吗?
rece[ri'dju:s] v.减小;缩小;降低
plastic['plæstik] adj.塑料的
can n.(美)罐子;罐头
suppose[sə'pəuz] v.猜想,假定,料想
besuppose to do 应当,应该
nod [nɔd]v.点头
agreement[ə'gri:mənt] n.同意,一致;协定,协议
shake [ʃeik] v.(使)动摇,震动
oughtto 应该
distance['distəns] n.距离
cloth [klɔθ] n.布
action['ækʃən] n.行动,动作
battery['bætəri] n.电池
power['pauə] n.电力;动力;力
acidrain 酸雨
nuclear['nju:kliə] adj.原子核的,原子能的;核动力的biogas n.沼气
technology[tek'nɔlədʒi] n.技术
straw[strɔ:] n.(收割后干燥的)禾杆,麦秆,稻草
electric[i'lektrik] adj.电动的,用电的
efficient[i'fiʃənt] adj.效率高的;有能力的
per [pə] prep.每,每一
wheel[hwi:l] n.轮,车轮,轮子
guide[gaid] n.向导,导游;指南,手册
steel[sti:l] \m n.钢,钢铁
movement['mu:vmənt] n.运动;活动
journey['dʒə:ni] n.旅行,路程
towel['tauəl] n.毛巾
offer ['ɔ:fə] v.& n.提供

