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发布时间:2020-08-06 14:54:16


名城描写:青岛市-The City of Qing

The City of Qing
The city of Qing lies in the east of Shandong Province. It is famous for its blue sea and beautiful beaches.
Qing is a wonderful place for summer holidays. Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the country and all corners of the world come to visit the city every summer. They walk along the beaches, go swimming in the sea or do some shopping in the stores or on the markets. They can seethe fine views of the city. Especially attractive ① are the building groups of the Eastern-and-Western-style②mixed houses and villas③.
Great changes have taken place in Qing in the recent years. It has played an important part in the development of the foreign trade of our country. Its port is busy. Ships and vessels ④ from all countries come and go every day. It has become an international port city.
①attractive [+'tr$ktiv] a. 有吸引力的,迷人的
②Eastern-and-Western-style 东西方风格的
③villa ['vil+] n.别墅
④vessel ['vesl] n. 船(非常正式的用词)
2)本文有两种句子结构值得借鉴:其一是平行结构,如第二段中的“all parts of the country and all corners of the world”和“walk along the beaches, go swimming in the sea, or do some shopping in the stores or on the markets”,这种结构能够给人以节奏美的感觉。其二是倒装语序(inverted order)的句子:“Especially attractive are the building groups of the Eastern-and-Western-style mixed houses and villas.”这种句子是把表语提到句首,把主语置于句末。如果主语太长时可以这样做,它可以避免头重脚轻的缺陷。英语句法修辞上有一条“句尾重心”(end weight)的准则,要求把分量重的成分放在句子末尾,以起到强调主要内容的作用。
下了缆车就到了“南天门”。走近一看,很像北京宫殿的门,气势磅礴。只见上面镶着三个金色的大字:“南天门”,左右则是一副蓝底金字的对联,上面写着:“门辟九霄 仰步三天胜迹,阶崇万级 俯恰千嶂奇观。”南天门下面的石阶便是十八盘,是登山路上最险的一段,从上望下看,像是一条“天梯”,险得很。

August 4, our whole family happy with the feelings of people toured the scenic Mount Tai.
Qu in the car was travelling on a mountain road about 10 minutes to reach the mouth of the tramway, we are prepared to take the tramway up the mountain. In the tramway, I downward, Manshanbianye trees and flowers, the shining under the sun is particularly bright. Suddenly, a waterfall Yingru eye, from the hills Feixie and, like a silver screens linked to the Piedmont, is quite spectacular.
Under the Tramway on to the "Nantian Men." Zoujinyikan, much like Beijing palace doors, magnificent. Only three above Xiangzhe golden Chinese characters: "Nantian Men", about a Landi Rongji is the couplet, reading: "The Gate proction Jiuxiao Yang Sheng Ji Step three days, bands Chong 10,000 prone and 1000嶂wonders. "Nan Tianmen is below the 18 stone steps, is climbing the most dangerous section of road, from the look on the next, like a" Shangtianti "very dangerous.
Then follow up, came to an engraved "Mount Tai" two Chinese characters before the boulder, where can feel that clouds the face of Pulai, the scenery around Yingyingchaochao, as if worldly paradise general, people Liulianwangfan.
We then follow up on to the Yuhuang Ding, down from the Yuhuang Ding, a "when will Jueding Ling, Xiao Shan Public List". Yu Huangmiao in Yuhuang Ding, the three houses with red walls and pillars, grey tiles, antique. Front of the temple is a carved "Wu Yue Only" a rock, the word is red, deep and effective, gives people a sense of Hammer.
Yu Huangmiao on both sides of the "children and grandchildren list", "Head to the vast sky", "can transfer Qingyun," "extreme" and so large that moment.
Tai Shan is too beautiful, really Buxucihang. I can not help but think: "Wu Yue Guilaibukan mountain, Mt Taishan Guilaibukan" words, have the opportunity, will travel peers, and then enjoy the beauty of Mount Tai.
2.I Climbed Mount Tai-我登上了泰山

I Climbed Mount Tai
It was a drizzly day in autumn. My classmates and I started to climb Mount Tai. On the half way some of them were too tired to go on. They suggested going back. But I didn't want to give up, so I insisted on climbing up. At last we all tried our best to reach the top.


I live in Jinan.It'very beautiful.It's famous for the springs.It's said that there is 72 springs in Jinan.On the other side,there are many mountains here.The most beautiful mountain is Qianfo Mountain .It lies in the south of Jinan.Daming Lake is other sineary .In Daming Lake Park,swillows are here and there.Air is fresh.Fish is swimming freely.When you come here,you'll be fancinated by it. Quancheng Sguare which is in the middle of the city is a mordern work.
You are welcome to Jinan.
Jinan is in locate northern latitudes 36 degrees 40 cent, east longitude 117 degree. Jinan is in South of Mount Taishan and North of Yellow River.there is belonging to warm temperate zone greatly six sex monsoon weather area,clear all the year round,sunshine full in Jinan. The year average air temperature is 14 Celsius degrees, the year average rainfall is 650-700 millimeters.
Jinan is called "Quan Cheng(泉城)"and is coast in Chinese the east economic big province-Shandong the provincial capital of the province.Jinan is a whole province politics, economy, culture, science and technology, ecation and banking center.Jinan is also a national approval of the coast open city and vice- province class city.The benefit goes down south to govern six areas, one County class City, the total area is 8227 square kilometers, population 5,960,000, among them downtown population 2,600,000.Helping the south is one of the city of"national city comprehensive real strenght 50 strong" and"whole country invest hard environment 40 excellent.

景点描写:长江三峡-The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River
The Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and are famous throughout the world.
The Three Gorges are: the Xiling Gorge(西陵峡), Wu Gorge(巫峡)and Qutang Gorge(瞿塘峡). Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interest, such as, Zhaojun Village, Qu Yuan Temple and Baidi Town.
The Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the Gorges. A big power station has been built here. Since the reform and open policies began to be carried out, great changes have taken place and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new look. At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under construction.
The Three Gorges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to China.
①be situated(in) 位于……
②large multi-purpose water conservancy project 大型水利枢纽工程
③benefit['benifit] v 有益于

2、给我一份用英文介绍某个国家天气的ppt (某个地区也可以)大一水平



The Beautiful City Jinan
Hello,everyone,have you ever heard of the beautiful northern city Jinan?Let me say something about it.Well,when talking about Jinan,we can't help thinking of its famous springs,of which 72 have their names.The Baotu Spring,letting out water all day long, is the largest of them,and is called the first spring in the world.The water is so cool and clean that it can be drunk without being boiled.Thanks to its famous springs,Jinan is known as the City of Springs.
Thousand Buddha Mountain,lying in the south of Jinan,is the second tourist attraction I want to introce to you.It's covered with thousands of trees and flowers,and the air there is fresh.The birds sing and the flowers come out. What beautiful scenery.The people from all directions go there for relaxitation and amusement.
Friends,you must have learnt about the Daming Lake,one of the three treasures of Jinan,where all springs gather,lying in the north of the city.It's a quiet and beautiful place to visit.You,together with a couple of your friends can go there for fun.During the weekend,there are many visitors,coming from the neighbouring provinces.
Jinan is a historical city with more than 2000 years' history.Under the leadership of the government and with the efforts of the Jinan people,it has developed into a modern and civilized city with a population of around six million.We believe Jinan will be developing rapidly and steadily and attracting more attentions from the people all over the world.
That's all,thank you!


Shandong Weather

Shandong is located in the warm temperate zone with semi-tropical monsoon climate. The spring and autumn are short while the winter and summer are quite long. The weather is temperate with clear-cut distinction between the four seasons. The annual average temperature is 11 degrees centigrade to 14 degrees centigrade.


山东省境内中部山地突起,西南、西北低洼平坦,东部缓丘起伏,形成以山地丘陵为骨架、平原盆地交错环列其间的地形大势。泰山雄踞中部,主峰海拔1532.7米, 为山东省最高点。黄河三角洲一般海拔2—10米,为山东省陆地最低处。境内地貌复杂,大体可分为中山、低山、丘陵、台地、盆地、山前平原、黄河冲积扇、黄河平原、黄河三角洲等9个基本地貌类型。山地约占山东省总面积的15.5%,丘陵占13.2%,平原占55%,洼地占4.1%,湖沼平原占4.4%,其他占7.8%。

Mountain ridges in central shandong province, southwest, northwest low-lying plain, east of slow high ups and downs, form a skeleton for hills, plains basin alternative ring columns in terrain trend. Mount tai in the central, the main peak elevation of 1532.7 meters, is the highest in shandong province. Generally 2-10 meters above sea level, the delta of the Yellow River in shandong province for the lowest land. Domestic landform is complex, generally can be divided into zhongshan, low mountains, hills, terraces, basin, piedmont plain, the Yellow River alluvial fan, the Yellow River plain, the Yellow River delta and other nine basic geomorphic types. Mountain accounted for about 15.5% of the total area of shandong province, hilly accounted for 13.2%, plain (55%), depression (4.1%), limnetic plain accounted for 4.4%, other 7.8%.

Shandong belongs to warm temperate zone monsoon climate types. Rainfall concentrated, rain heat the same season, spring and autumn period is short and a longer summer and winter. 14 ℃, annual average temperature of 11 ℃, the temperature region in shandong province different things than north and south. Increasing annual frost-free period from northeast to southwest coastal, lubei and jiaodong average is 180 days, southwest of up to 220 days. Shandong province lighting sufficient resources, light hours by an average of 2290-2290 hours, heat conditions can meet the need of crops a year of both. An average annual rainfall generally between 550-950 mm, from southeast to northwest. Seasonal precipitation distribution is very uneven, annual rainfall is 60% - 70% concentrated in the summer, easy to form waterlog, winter, spring and late autumn prone to drought, the biggest effect on agricultural proction.


Southern region is given priority to with tropical and subtropical monsoon climate, high temperature and rainy summer, winter gentle little rain. The tropical monsoon climate of high temperature throughout the year. Precipitation over 800 mm, the windward side of mountain more precipitation. Taiwan's hut on fire for the "rain", the annual average rainfall of 6558 mm. The eastern coastal areas and affected by the typhoon. Winter temperatures above zero. Leizhou peninsula, southern yunnan and Taiwan and hainan in more than 15 degrees. Yunnan, guangdong, hainan, Taiwan affected by cold wave is small.(南方地区以热带亚热带季风气候为主,夏季高温多雨,冬季温和少雨。其中热带季风气候为全年高温。降水量在800毫米以上,山地迎风坡降水较多。台湾火烧寮为全国“雨极”,年平均降水量6558毫米。东部沿海地区夏秋季节受台风影响大。冬季气温在0度以上。雷州半岛,云南和台湾南部以及海南在15度以上。云南,广东,海南,台湾受寒潮影响小。)
北方地区年降水量多在400-800毫米,降水集中在 7、8两月,多暴雨,此时河水暴涨,河流易泛滥成灾; 而每年的春季少雨,常有干旱(春旱严重,夏季暴雨)。(In northern China is mainly temperate monsoon climate. Climate is characterized by a year the four seasons, warm and rainy summer, winter cold and dry.
Northern annual precipitation in 400-800 mm, more precipitation concentrated in 7, 8 months, more heavy rain, the boom in the river at this time, yi river flooding; And every year the spring rain, less often drought (spring drought is serious, the summer rain).

